AC case one: Jimmy Chandler solitary confinement AC setup at Boscobel

We are hearing of the wholesale dumping of prisoners into AC_(long term solitary) going on in WCI and CCI to WSPF. AC is "administrative confinement" and  is vague in its criteria and has no end date. At present, The longest serving ac prisoner, LaRon McKinley ( 27 Years in solitary) won his way back to general through last summer's hunger strike . He will soon be going to general population in another state and  now has a suit in settlement stage that he hopes will put a year cap on solitary, FFUP is working with prisoner litigators to
 1)bring rules similar to those newly installed in Colorado by the former WI DOC secretary.   to
 2) build mental health treatment Centers and
  3) to end long term solitary confinement altogether.
see links below:
Colorado does it right- Center for Investigative Journalism article and details of CO system
What we are after - treatment center mandated by lawsuit for women's prison in Fond du Lac,WI

Case one AC
Jimmy Chandler
       575190 WSPF

Jimmy Chandler is from California and has a hard time believing the corruption he finds in WI- here is the story of his AC confinement:
Corruption Boscobel Style

Jimmy Chandler letter 3 10 17
I am writing you to inform you of the corruption, lying and retaliatory practices of staff here.  I am from Calif. and don’t really know this system out here ,I just did 18 months down in Waupun on AC. I was on the food strike and all that. I was finally released from AC and I requested to come here to Boscobel.
And now this is why I am writing. I am currently BACK ON  AC at Boscobel . I was just involved in what I can only call a total injustice, A good ol boy system to the full extent. I was brought to seg by LtX. He is the gang coordinator here at Boscobel . He wrote me a ticket for Gang Activity group resistance.
 In the conduct report, he states a letters was wrote to an inmate at PDCI. In that letter, my nickname was mentioned and some other stuff only Lt Xi perceived as gang talk. So during conduct report hearing I called him as a witness ( I am supposed to be allowed to face my accuser, I also asked him (Lt X) if he believed I wrote this letter that was intercepted by gang coordinator, in a questionnaire summary.
Lt X did not show up to my conduct report but he answered my questionnaire summary-problem is he lies, He says he believes I wrote the gang letter. So I am found guilty of group resistance  And am given a60 DS. I appeal to the warden. No good.
Summary: he writes Lt X asking why he lied as he knows he did not write it and his handwriting is not even close to the letter. The Lt had a face to face with him in Seg. He brought another CO Y and  Chandler asked him why he lied in form of Lucas. He says , in front of Y, that he misunderstood the questions (another lie)> Chandler said he was going back to GP in a couple days so he did not care.
In a couple days he is given notice that he will have an AC hearing because of conduct rpoert, He talks to his hearing advocate saying he will write up another questionaire for Lt X who will testify that he did not write the letter.
When he arrives at AC hearing. Lt X “is denied having to be there” and his questionnaire is not allowed and unit manager Anthony Broadbent is hearing overseer. All his defense was denied. His advocate was not there either and I new one was in his place.
“ I have never seen ANYTHNG LIKE THIS. This place is so corrupt . The guards were laughing at me, asking me why I was even going to my hearing> They say , No one beats their AC hearing here. Over 10 percent of the population here is on AC-like 15%!
I have been told by guards not to buck the system here at Boscobel , that some of the guards, Lt and captains are real retaliatory> The throw inmates mail here away, incoming and outgoing. I have all the guards names who have told me about What’s going on here . How ac ‘s are a joke. How they lie on the recommendation for C form. I have mine and other paper work. I prove all that what they say on my AC Paper work is not true. Fabrications form this illegal system  they run here.
They force you into their program here too, to try to get off AC. A lot of people want to writ you to tell youwhat is going on here  but are scared- hell I don’t even know if this letter will make ti to you. This si just a small taste of the corruption here.
I know  the security director Karman illegally opening people’s mail here, forcing inmates to take conduct reports or he’ll take their visits.
 Just did 18 months on AC. Brian Foster came in and broke all that up at WCI. I requested to come here and fell like this whole thing was a set up. I never even got to see the letter Lt X said was wrote. I never got to face my accuser, unit manager Broadbent si running a corrupt AC hearing, they also used evidence against me that Waupun used against me (estoppel by judgement)”
He goes on naming names and referring to testimony others would give says” this place is ran like a super max. ,sexual harassment by staff too.
When we come out of our cells We are forced down by the guards to our knees  so we can be leg shackled, the pulled up off our knees by our arms which are handcuffed behind our backs, this place is a mental torture box.. One dude the other day tried to hang himself- that’s how bad it is her. Right in the rec cage!
Not sure what you can do here but this has to stop. The public has to be made aware of what they’re doing here. I all have more people write to you too if you would like that-let you know what this place has done to them. Please let me know if you got this. Peg
Jimmy Chandler575190 WSPF


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